Wednesday, September 1, 2021

SIUC Enrollment Down

 Once you get past the happy talk of the first three paragraphs, fall attenance at SIUC is down another 1% from last year or as the university puts it "essentailly flat". The problem is, the univeristy has seen this small declines in student population consistantly for over 2 decades and, while on their own, the drop in number is insignficant, taken in total the univeristy has seen a drop of about 14000 students over the past 20+ years.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you've seen through the b.s. Enrollment is actually down and this is spin-doctoring. If "Frankie goes to Hollywood" then our equivalent is "SIUC Administration goes to Afghanistan." Good for you! Also, how many students are going to remain once they see the effect of dire budget cutbacks on campus and the state of Carbondale itself.
