Here is the agenda for tonight's city council meeting. Not much on it. Looks as if the plans are to approved expenditures of just over $6.1 million for the period ending 11/8 and entering into a $75,000 contract with REACH. Council is also authorizing the interim city manager (still have not found a permanent one) to purchase properties from Jackson County. I rather hope it is the SI Humane Society property as Carbondale needs some place to house animals that Animal Control picks up and it would be a shame to let that facility go to ruin.
Update--Was not a motion to buy the old Humane Society building. Instead the city is buying three properties that have reverted to the Jackson County Trustee and either have been demolished or are scheduled for demolition. By law, the city can buy them now for about $750 per parcel and plans to turn them over to a local not for profit to use to develop affordable housing