Saturday, August 25, 2012

Possible Zoning Issues

According to a mailing sent out by the Arbor District, the huge 2-story house on the northwest corner of Walnut and Poplar (cattycorner to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church), has sold to Home Rentals and there is already a "For Rent" sign on the lawn ( I happened to notice that just yesterday and was rather surprised, since I had never seen the house for rent before.  As you can see from the city's zoning map, the house is in an area zoned R-1, low density residential, meaning it should be occupied by a single household.  Not sure if it falls within the West Walnut Street Historic District, but if not, it is pretty close.  Of course, that hasn't stopped some other buildings within the district from use as multi person rentals as well.

Since the majority of Home Rentals's customers are students and most of the houses on West Walnut east of the property are already multi household rentals, as are several of the houses in the same block on West Main, behind the property, it will be interesting to see if the city enforces the zoning code there, or if the property succumbs to "zoning creep".

Update:  I have been informed by a blog reader that 500 W Walnut does fall inside the West Walnut Street Historic District.


  1. Are you thinking the city should monitor or even license every house in R-1? Maybe the Arbor District PAC should run a sting on Home Rentals? The time to get your panties in a bunch, is after you have some facts isn't it? Aren't they legal until they rent it, at least?

    How does this noise help Jane win the mayor's race? Isn't that the real question? lol

  2. True, however Home Rental's track record is not the best in terms of either following zoning regulations or upkeep of owned properties.

  3. Since the boss "left town," they don't seem to be any worse then the rest? They are more aggressive ripping down buildings and putting up apartments, but my sources say they are doing much better now. 10 years ago, the were worse, no doubt.

    The Arbor District PAC needs issues to keep the smoke in the air. I'm not certain that helping them make issues out of nothing, is good for the city.

  4. I agree with you. From what I hear, the company is much more willing to invest in property upkeep than it has in the past. However, a reputation for poorly maintained properties is hard to shake. A quick search shows one semi positive review this year and several negative ones in 2011.
