Friday, October 18, 2024

Indigo Lounge

 From what I have heard, the police had to close down the Indigo Lounge the Saturday night of Homecoming weekend, due to overcrowding. Lines waiting to get in extended about a block east and west of the door at about 9:30 that night and the number of people inside made it a potential fire hazard. After the Indigo closed, the partygoers migrated over to a house party in the student district between University and Poplar but, again, so many people went there they were blocking streets and making so much noise that even other students complained, so the police got called again.

From there, the remaining group traipsed over the the Towers residence hall, making such a mess in the building lobby and overflowing to the grounds outside that the police got called yet a third time, finally getting the crowd to wander off early Sunday Morning.

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