Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Carbondale 2030 Goal 1

 Here is Goal 1 from the Carbondale 2030 strategic plan:

Goal 1:  Provide a high quality-of-life and foster a sense of community. 

Strategic Initiatives

  Create a subsidy for internet, modem, installation costs, and fees to make broadband more affordable to residents. --Good. With the federal government's subsidy for internet for low income households expiring, this would be a real boon to them. Households qualifying under the federal program received $30 a month towards covering internet service and from what I have read, that was a real help.

 Continue to improve parks and recreation for those parks that are the City’s responsibility.-- I have seen some needed improvements at Marbury Arboretum, which really needs greater publicity and families use Turley Park on a regular basis.

  Conduct more year-round community-oriented programs for youth/young adults.  Continue supporting programs like the Boys and Girls Club and operations at the Eurma C. Hayes Center. --Also good, though maybe matching funding for each rather than an annual stipend. One complaint I have heard about Carbondale, among many, is that the city does not have much for youth to do. The Park District had a BMX track at one time, remnants still are by Evergreen Terrace, and there was a push for a skate park several years ago. Slabz, downtown, shows there is demand for a skate park and one accessible and outside would give youth another option for entertainment. 

 Publicize the positive aspects of Carbondale being proactive, using social media, and embracing the diverse nature of the community.  Establish a social media content team to promote all city departments and services. --Yep, Carbondale is the most diverse community in southern Illinois. I have had customers at the store tell me they moved here because of its diversity. Embrace it and let people know about it.

 Partner with civic organizations to improve the aesthetics of the entire community and the westend welcoming corridor into Carbondale.-- Good lord yes. All 4 approaches to Carbondale are ugly, though the trees and median on the east side presents the best appearance. Still, coming in from the west and east, the visitor sees freestanding businesses and strip malls, not as bad as Marion but still, they look as if they have just been dropped there. Murals are an improvement but we need colorful ones greeting people as they come to town, not just maroon and white Saluki murals . The north entrance is urban blight but could be improved with another sign welcoming people to the city and more plantings, as could the south end.

 Fully fund and publicize incentives for home ownership.--Yes, publicize the programs the city has to convert rentals into owner occupied units as well as funding for repairing homes owned by lower income residents. 

  Consider implementing a summer jobs program for youth/young adults --Consider or implement? Thinking about doing one meets this initiative but does not accomplish anything. Good program though. Maybe summer trash cleanup, especially along the entry ways to town.

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