Friday, July 21, 2023

Saluki Way Tax

 From what I am hearing, the city council already plans to keep the Saluki Way tax in place when it expires later this decade. Passing a resolution doing so will likely be all that will be necessary to do as that is what the council did when the sales tax increase to pay off bonds issued to pay for new roofing on the high school expired. Unlike the initial vote to increase the sales tax, which attracted large crowds for a council meeting, the resolution to keep the roof tax part of the sales tax passed very quietly with only a few people in attendance.

Carbondale's sales tax is currently 9.75%, higher than 93% of cities and counties in the state. At least we are not as high as Chicago, which is 10.25%

1 comment:

  1. Again, paying more for less. the Saluki Way is a corrupt tax imposed by a President who was a disaster for the region. In view of the fact that his successor and chancellor are getting bonuses for doing absolutely nothing save spin-doctoring, the future for this area looks grim.
