Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Safe and Welcoming City

Was at the standing room only city council meeting for about half an hour last night during discussion of a resolution declaring Carbondale a "safe and welcoming" (not a sanctuary) city. Most of those standing along the wall in the top picture were holding signs supporting the measure, the first time I can remember protestors with signs at a city council meeting.

The bottom picture was taken just after Mayor Mike Henry asked those in attendance who supported the measure to stand to show their support. Well over 3 quarters of those in attendance promptly stood. Two did speak in opposition to the resolution, one expressing concern regarding how it would affect the city's relationship with the federal government and the other bringing up the example of an illegal immigrant who was arrested and released 5 times before committing a murder in San Francisco.

The resolution passed 6 to 1, with only Councilman Navreet Kang in opposition.

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