Sunday, October 18, 2020

Trump Parade 2

 While watching yesterday's Trump parade through downtown, one thing struck. The event and likely the campaign, is all about Pres. Trump. Out of those 200 or so vehicles, I do not recall seeing a single "Republican" sign. It was not a rally for Republican candidates or the Republican party. Rather it was an outpouring of support for the President. Mike Bost wishes he could generate that level of an outpouring of support.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that, too. All of the flags were Trump flags, with many of them having Trump's face superimposed on Sylvester Stalone's body in his role as Rambo while holding a machine gun with a rocket launcher. It made me wonder who Trambo was at war with that would necessitate a rocket launcher and machine gun. Also noticed a big truck with a fake tank like gun on the hood.
