Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jerry Costello on Cap and Trade

Got the following email from Rep. Costello regarding his vote on cap and trade legislation:

As you may know, H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 was recently passed in the House of Representatives. I opposed this legislation because the bill will drastically increase utility costs and does not provide for adequate use of coal as the country continues to develop renewable sources of energy.
H.R. 2454 does not provide a bridge for coal and other fossil fuels to develop and demonstrate new technologies to provide reliable energy and meet the necessary reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The timelines contained in this legislation do not provide sufficient time to put these technologies in place. Energy costs will skyrocket and workers will face layoffs and plant closures.
I am also concerned that without similar action by other countries, there will be further negative impacts on the United States. We must consider the consequences of enacting this legislation when other countries, like China and India, have not taken steps to reduce their own carbon emissions. Without some measure of equity on this issue, our emissions may appear to decrease, but they will simply shift overseas, taking jobs and industries with them. Quite simply, this is the wrong bill at the wrong time.

1 comment:

  1. Disappointing. But then I forget how conservative he is and then remember how in Southern Illinois coal is king.
