Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Blogging the Budget

On page iii of the budget, there's a list of transfers from the General Fund as well as a list of expenditure reductions. A little over a million dollars will be transferred out of the General Fund: $71,567 to the Child Care Services Fund, $919764 to the Debt Service Fund for bond payments and $100,000 to the Local Improvement Fund for Open Space Development. Expenditure reductions include:

--keeping unfilled positions unfilled including a neighborhood inspector (Wasn't the rental inspection fee supposed to pay for that?), planner, public information officer, and a street sweeper operator. Police and fire departments will stay at current levels, the planned increase in police staffing is shelved.
--no new capital fund projects unless funded by grants
--the $60,000 a year the city pays to the Livingston Group is cut in favor of more trips by the Mayor (well, someone's got to do it).
--2 replacement patrol cars instead of four.
--home coversion grants cut from 10 to 6
--Carbondale gets dirty this summer as the Summer Clean Up program gets cut
--Fire department uses online service with City Hall instead of purchasing their onw computer and software
--street and sidewalk repairs are limited to preventive maintenance.

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