Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Blogging the Budget--Water and Sewer Edition

The Water and Sewer Fund summary from page v indicates an expected 5% rate increase in related utilities fees to defray the costs of needed improvements. Planned expenditures include:

--final design and construction of a new $4 million water tower, with financing from the Illinois EPA Revolving Loan Funds

--construction of a storm water equalization basin a the Northwest Wastewater Treatment plant, cost $1 million.

--$40,000 for financial incentives for water and sewer infrastructure in new residential subdivisions.

--shoreline stabilization and erosion control at CedarLake

--new truck and sewer video camera system for identifying location of repairs in problem lines. Cost $385,000.

--professional utility rate study to analyze utility cost of operation, project cost of future capital needs, allocate costs to water and sewer division and recommend rate structures to produce required revenues.

--possible addition of an additional staff person in the Water Plant Central Laboratory

--a number of maintenance and design projects for various water projects throughout the city.

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