Thursday, August 18, 2022

Clearwave Installations

 From what I have heard, the Clearwave installation is proving a case of "measure once, cut two or three times". The burying and landscapping around the units has been done so poorly that Clearwave has a list of 400+ places it will have to go back and landscape around to get the yards back too looking normal. Walking along west Main this morning, I noticed piles of dirt left next to seveval of the in-ground installed units. I also heard that at least one of the ground crews was fired midway through the installalation but that is second-hand information.

Seems an awful lot of extra work  that should have been done right the first time.


  1. What else would you expect from Carbondale? Also, the scooter problem is becoming dangerous. Several riders were in the middle of Douglas Drive last night in the dark facing oncoming traffic and riding in non-designated areas. Many did not wear helmets and their lights were inadequate. A few walked in the middle of the road facing traffic. Another great start to an SIUC semester!

  2. I blame Clearwave, which apparently has been using non-union crews to install the cable. Union is more expensive but you generally get better quality results as there is more quality control.
