Friday, August 23, 2019

City Council Meeting

The city council will meet this Tuesday night at 6 p.m. Quite a bit on the agenda but most of it comes in the form of a consent agenda, meaning that the items on it all get approved at once. A council member may request that council remove an item from the agenda for individual consideration. A couple of things I noticed on the regular agenda:

discussion of adding another TIF district to the city. Would be interested to know how successful TIF districts 1, 2 and 3 are. My reading generally indicates that giving tax benefits to a company to come into a city has little influence on the decision. The business locates in the city if it makes financial sense to do so and giving it a tax break just gives away money that could go to fund city operations instead.This one, from what I understand, focuses on encouraging residential building and is a relatively new form of TIF in the state.

Publishing the Carbondale Comminique.  Not sure how many people read the print form of the Comminique. Maybe moving to a fully digital format would  save the city some money. Not sure it is would be a significant sum though.t

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