Monday, June 17, 2013

Preservation Commiission Meeting

The Carbondale Preservation meets tonight at 7 p.m. in Room 103 of the Civic Center.  Main things on the agenda are votes on a recommendation for approval  of demolition of the Dillinger Feed Store building and a request to paint a mural on the side of the building at 114 N. Illinois.

I can understand the need for approval of the demolition of the Dillinger building.  It is one of the oldest buildings in Carbondale and any demolition of a building in the downtown business area should run by city council to make sure there is no risk to public safety.  Not so sure as to the reasoning for the mural on the side of the building.  After all, the Practice Pad put up a couple of signs on the outside of the building, which they would need to get approved by Building and Neigborhood Services, as all signs must be, but not sure why a mural would need the Preservation Commission's approval, unless they are applying for historic designation and the benefits that come with it.

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