Friday, September 17, 2010

Sustainability Commission Meeting

Sat in on last night's C'dale Sustainability Commission, which got off to a late start with members still trickling in at 6:20. Mayoral candidate Brent Ritzel was there as well, actively taking notes on his computer.

No update on the status of the Koppers wood treatment plant cleanup.

The Planning Commission didn't do anything with the proposed chicken/goat ordinance, returning it to the Sustainability Commission. Assistant City Manger Kevin Baity, attending as the city representative, recommended the Commission draft a proposal with what they wanted to see in an ordinance allowing the keeping of chickens and goats within the city limits and turn it over to city staff, who would then draft an actual ordinance for the Committee's approval. The committee voted in favor of this option and appointed a chicken sub-committee.

There was discussion of encouraging the use of reusable bags by Carbondale businesses and shoppers, with several Commission members leaning towards imposing a tax on plastic shopping bags to discourage their use. Commission members will contact communities that have successfully eliminated the use of plastic shopping bags to see how they did so.

The city is looking into the feasibility of replacing incandescent bulbs with more energy efficient lighting and will schedule a presentation in the future. Baity noted that utility companies offer rebates and discounts on LED and CFL bulbs for home use.

Vote on a new chairperson was tabled until October, when both candidates could be present.

Discussion on reducing styrofoam produced no action, except a request for the City to provide figures regarding how much it costs to clean up litter after Friday and Saturday evenings. Baity responded that, though the city makes an extra trash run emptying refuse containers over the weekend; the cleanup of loose litter is the responsibility of the property owner, who can be fined if it is not removed in a timely manner.

The meeting adjourned about 7:05.

Edited to fix the spelling of Brent Ritzel's name as noted in the comments.

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