Saturday, March 20, 2010


Another ban a local group is interesting on overturning, this one on keeping chickens within the city limits. Wayne Weiseman presented this letter to the C'dale City Council a few weeks ago, advocating allowing Carbondale residents to keep a backyard coop of chickens. This looks tied into the "local food" trend that is growing in popularity throughout the nation.

However, comparing chickens to a pet such as a cat or a dog is a bit of a stretch. Chicken's are nowhere as well behaved as a cat or a dog and the owner will have to have multiples of them in order for a decent stream of eggs to come. However, there's no denying that a chicken is much more useful than the typical cat or dog, at least in terms of providing physical sustenance.


  1. @ iaping:

    Within the first few sentences we see the key to the problem: "Roosters"

    Roosters will most likely to be banned within the limits of urban areas everywhere because they're noisy. No roosters = no unwanted and unplanned population growth.

    As for the yard destruction and defecation issues, I would imagine that those who are conscientious enough to care about the local food movement are also considerate and responsible enough to not to just discard unwanted chickens in the streets leaving them to cruise other people's yards.

    Additionally, no locavore in his or her right mind would EVER pass up on free, local meat. Those chickens wouldn't end up in other people's yards before they ended up as fricasee.
