Saturday, September 26, 2009


Apparently May Cole has gotten tired of Councilman Joel Fritzler's asking questions about the city's warrants (bills and invoices for good and services provided to the city that the council is required to approve). According to the letter Fritzler sent to the Daily Egyptian Thursday, Mayor Cold has announced that, due to cutbacks, council members can no longer email the city manager quesitons about the warrants prior to council meetings. Instead, council members will have to revied the support materials for warants themselves during regular city business hours.

Also, according to the letter, council members will no longer be able to quesiton warrants during council meetings. Guess the mayor wants to speeding meetings up (Thanks to various people who forwarded the letter/link).

1 comment:

  1. Of course, this would be far more interesting if you didn't just have the letter of a flaming jerk to report. Wonder what Cole and the City Manager have to say about this? Wonder if the City Manager has work to do and wants to do this face to face, instead of spending hours typing emails?

    Only by asking the players what is going on, can you understand what is going on.
