Friday, August 16, 2024

Welcome Center

 I do wonder if $6 million is enough to cover the cost of the new Welcome Center going up across from the Student Center and it seems like something else the University does not really need. Instead of fixing the already existing buildings on campus, the university has decided to put up this new unneeded building.  Quigley Hall has had leaks in the ceiling for well over a decade now and most of the HVAC systems on campus have to be repaired with parts sourced from eBay, rather than from normal parts suppliers.

Parking is not really the issue as current demand only uses a bit less than 50% of the available spaces. However, convenient parking will be taken away as the new building will remove about 100 commuter spaces used by students attending classes in Quigley, Faner and Parkinsons.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, another bad decision by SIUC when so many other areas need attention. What about the decaying infrastructure around campus, the malfunctioning revolving library shelves in the basement that have broken down after 20 years, the new budget cuts affecting every department, and hiring freezes. Also, where is the money coming from for all those faculty raises? If this is a strategy to declare a "fiscal emergency", then SIUC may be following the path of Western Illinois University
