Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Carbondale Vision 2030 Goal 2

 The second goal in the Carbondale Vision 2030 Strategic Plan. As with Goal 1, there are a lot of strategic initiatives for the city to address and DEI programs have really been a target of Republican lawmakers in recent years.

Goal 2:  Establish programs, processes, and networks to address diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice.

 Strategic Initiatives

  Explore possibilities for revising responsibilities for the Human Relations Commission or another entity to address citizen complaints. 

 Develop processes to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equitably. 

 Create a diversity action plan for City operations. 

 Identify ordinances that contribute to exclusionary zoning.

  Create a Police (or Civilian) Review Board to address citizen complaints and advise the city on potential policy changes. Couldn't the Human Relations Commission do this? Seems what the first Initiative is aimed at.

 Identify and address systemic racism in institutions within Carbondale. 

 Publicize the purpose of the Human Relations Commission

 Identify areas of unequal opportunity and access in Carbondale and begin creating a plan to improve resources for all

  Create a staff report identifying codes and regulations that hinder opportunities for minority entrepreneurs. Despite its reputation, Carbondale is a business friendly town. Just follow the codes and regulations.

  Develop business training seminars tailored to the minority community to assist with business startups. 

 Require planning staff and Planning Commissioners to attend trainings and compile research on current zoning philosophies, such as Form-Based Code and Unified Development Zones, as they work on the update of the Comprehensive Plan. 

 Explore opportunities to address poverty and food insecurity in the community. Grants to already existing programs?  No need to create new one when we have existing food pantries. Could use more shelters but need staffing for that. 

  Create a Youth Advisory Board. Could a subcommittee of the HR Commission do this rather than creating a new board? 

 Provide targeted assistance to the minority business community. How? Grants? Seminars?

 Review alternatives for encouraging minority representation in the workforce. How?

 Consider a city-supported program to assist minorities to learn about and obtain employment in the trades. 

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