Friday, November 11, 2022

Fire House

 Remember the shuttered firehouse on Oakland that was sold off to a lower bidder becuase the purchaser was going to make the location in to an art space and wine tasting room? Well that apparently fell through and the special use permit for the space expired back in 2018.  Since then, the building has apparently been used for storage and a coffee cart established in the parking area to the west of the building. 

Now the owners are back, requesting that the city council again approve 2 special use permits. The plan for an art space has fallen by the wayside as one permit is for a restaurent in the location and one for a " "drinking place" including alcoholic beverages and a food truck park in the aforementioned parking area. As noted below, the Planning commission recommended approving both permits.

I am not sure how the people living in the vicinity of the old station will view having a resaurant and bar located right next door to their homes, especially given that, IIRC, the art space concept was the main selling point of the original proposal.

You can read the agenda item here. Will be taken up at the next city council meeting.

Still Woods LLC, is requesting the approval of two Special Use Permits, one for a ‘Restaurant’ and one for a ‘Drinking Place (Alcoholic Beverages)’, in order to carry out their business plan for a “neighborhood, family-friendly hub for social interaction, cultural development, networking and business incubation” to include a food truck park and bar at the old fire station building property they own at 300 South Oakland Avenue. 

As a similar request was granted to John Deas and Alison Smith for this property in 2017, this new request was primarily made to ensure transparency with the City on the change of business plan. As the new plan no longer includes the 'art studio' use as it did last time, the limits on hours of operation and number of employees are no longer in place. 

A public hearing regarding this request was held on Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022, by the Carbondale Planning Commission. During this meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously moved to recommend the two Special Use Permit requests, with no additional conditions. 

Attached for City Council review are the following:

1. A Resolution approving and a Resolution denying the Special Use Permit for a restaurant and a Special Use Permit for a drinking place with alcoholic beverages.

2. A copy of the unapproved minutes of the Planning Commission for PC 23-04.

3. A copy of the staff report to the Planning Commission for PC 23-04.

Additional Information:

Constituent/Advisory Body Impact: The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on November 2, 2022, and voted (6-yes, 0-no) on a motion to recommend the approval of the Special Use Permit for the subject property. A notice of public hearing was published in the Southern Illinoisan newspaper on October 15, 2022, and twenty-nine (29) property owners within 250 feet of the subject property were notified of the hearing by certified mail. John Deas of Still Woods LLC (the applicant) was present, one neighbor of the subject property spoke in favor of the request, zero people spoke in opposition to the request.

Financial Impact: None.

Staff Impact: Staff will be responsible for all applicable permits and licenses.

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