Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Bus System

 Bakc when Carbondale and SIUC introduced the bus system, most people supported it as a way to let people without vehicles get around town. However, I know of one business owner who said it was a step into the hollowing out of downtown.  His reasoning was, since SIUC required incoming freshment to park or not have a car, lack of available trasnportation meant they had to shop downtown. With the bus system, it now became much easier to get to places like Murdale and Wal-mart. Good for students, good for merchants on the east and west side of Carbondale and good for most Carbondale residents, especially those without cars or reliable transportation, but bad for downtown, as there are no general merchandise stores remaining in the downtown area. As far as I know, if o\you want to get soda or snacks, the only places to do so are the liquor stores or my place and neither has a particually large selection.

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