Thursday, October 20, 2022

Shryock Auditorium Ghost

 Shryock Auditorium has a ghost light. A ghost too, supposedly that of Henry Shryock, president of the univeristy back in the 1930s. He did in his office in Shryock just before he was scheudled to give the convocation speech. The next week, students, faculty and staff gathered in the building for his funeral. Reported his ghost has haunted the building since and ther have been a number of  strange occurences reported there.


  1. The only "ghost" that haunts SIUC is the presence of Poshard. During his Presidency enrollments declined to 15,000 by the time he left office, he got away with plagiarism, and now has the Transportation Center named after him!

  2. You are right on the plagiarism. As far as enrollments, they peaked in 1990 and have declined ever since. . The BOT keeps looking for a white knight to come in and turn things around but none of them have hung around long enough to effect change.

  3. Sure, but the decline accelerated as soon as he became President due to the cronyism and nepotism surrounding him. Also wasn't it rich that last week's Carbondale Gazette reported a BOT member who ascribed to him everything Delyte Morris had previously done. SIUC's own brand of "historical amnesia."
