Saturday, October 1, 2022

Down Town Vacancies

 Was walking South Illinois earlier this week and notice that most of the north end of the Strip, excepting the recently closed Sound Core and Carbondale Trophy Shop, have spaces filed. It gets looking a bit bleak towards the south end of Illinois with two of the three retail strips vacant save for Slabz. Seems if people are not coming in to rent your location and that location has sat empty for several years, the amount you are asking for that location is too high. Of course, if you own the building, you may be willing to wit longer for a tenant but meanwhile, you have to cover all of the fixed costs yourself.


  1. "Vacancy Fraud" The landlords don't have to pay the majority of their property taxes if they "actively" advertise their storefront and cant find any tenants. This is also a big problem in some areas of Chicago. And of course its an Illinois law so thats why you don't see the problem at the same scale in Cape, Paducah, etc
