Friday, December 27, 2024

SIUC Welcome Center

 Still not certain why SIUC needs a stand along Welcome Center, though it certainly is more fun to put in a new named building rather than investing in rehabing already existing buildings. Quigly Hall has to source replacement HVAC parts on Ebay since manufacturers no long keep the ones needed that are compatible with the university system or much needed work on the Student Center, which could certainly be renamed after a donor. A Welcome Center could even be incorporated into the recently built Student Services Building, which could certainly use a better name than that.


  1. Well said - and That's Not All!

    No alternative free parking spaces were offered to students who often used the parking now lost to reach classes punctually. The water in Fanet Hall has been disconnected since Christmas Eve with no notification of restored services. Ascending the stairway to the first floor, a dead, decomposing roach is on one of the steps. "Tread Softly, Stranger".

    Unlike SIU Edwardsville, CTE expect ALL faculty to be familiar with advanced technology when something breaks down. The revolving shelves on the basement of the Morris Library still need repair making it impossible to send students to look up books unless they are given an outmoded device that only moves two shelves at a time! In the meantime, the Chancellor and President, who do not reside in the area, are given huge raises for attracting a trickle of students, many of whom have not the necessary educational background to benefit from a university education and fail after a year with huge debts - something the directors of these dubious programs are fully aware of and do nothing to supply urgent remedial assistance.

    It is high time that an outside investigation be launched into the running of SIUC with the voices of discontented faculty and students heard, not higher administrative spin-doctoring aided by a complicit and guilty BOT. Education, not annual million dollar losing sports program and Vanity building should be the priority. Don't be surprised if a "fiscal emergency" is on the way leading to firing of faculty and staff not those responsible for this dire situation

  2. P.S. These letters also recognize the situation especially bloated administrative salaries and pet projects that do not benefit low-income students.

  3. Also relevant to SIUC!
