Friday, May 13, 2022

Certificate of Appropriateness Committee Meeting

 The city's certificate of appropriateness committee meets next Monday. On the agenda, it is appropriate to demolish Gen Logan's one time residence at 400 West Oak and what sort of awnings (I guess) are appropriate to replace the ones removed from Priority Sports and The Door. If I recall correctly, SIH owns many of the properties along West Oak and would like to pull down the houses there and expand. Seems a shame, given how much the region venerates Gen. Logan, to raze his house, at least without putting up some acknowledgement that he lived there. Hospitals, universities and churches all have a habit of razing older buildings, even historically significant ones, when they need more space.

Here's the link if you want to watch the meeting

 1. Roll Call and Determination of a Quorum

2. Communication and Reports:

a. Certificate of Appropriateness review for the demolition of General John A.

Logan’s residence at 400 West Oak Street.

b. Certificate of Appropriateness review for replacement awnings for properties

located at 106 and 112 South Illinois Avenue.

3. Comments by the Public, Committee Members, or Staff

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