Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 appears that when Spring semester starts at SIUC, everyone will be required to get tested within 48 hours after returning to campus. Non vaccinated staff and students will be required to continue to get tested every week through the semester.

Might be a good idea to have several testing locations on campus so as to not run everyone thorugh Grinnel Hall.


  1. Apart from the overcrowding issue in Grinnel, why is SIUC not following the lead of U of I, ISU, and other universities in moving to remote for the month of January when Omicron/Covid is really going to spike? Again, another bad decision especially if they have to change their policy next month

  2. Also wonder what good testing "within 48 hours" - two days to spread whatever you brought? The rate that omicron is doubling, the subsequent weekly testing is only going to reveal everyone has it, rather than give a chance to get ahead of it. And then classes will have to be *both* remote access and in-person to accommodate those in quarantine.
