Sunday, August 29, 2021

COVID 19 Numbers Aug. 28th

 Friday August 20 Jackson County 6475 infected, 79 dead, 5902 recovered, Randolph County 4773 infected 89 dead 4556 recovered, Union County 2677 infected, 34 dead 2541 recovered and Williamson County 9647 infected 135 dead 8066 recovered.

Friday August 28 Jackson County 6766 infected, 79 dead,6120 recovered, Randolph County 4976 infected 90 dead 4750 recovered, Union County 2722 infected, 34 dead 2605 recovered and Williamson County 10028 infected 136 dead 8199 recovered.

Incidentally the total population of Williamson County is 66579 so just over 15% of the county has been infected. About 12% of Jackson County has been infected since the start.


  1. So in 8 days 783 people died in Jackson as opposed to 79 on the 20th? Time for a total shutdown if this number is accurate!

    1. Lol. Typo, probably 83. The number of deaths hadn't increased for some time there.

    2. Thought it was. Better correct it or you'll scare all your readers
