Monday, June 3, 2019


In case you missed last week's city council meeting, the city council decided, as an experiment to eliminate parking meter charges from July 1 2019 for the next 7 months. From what I understand, people using the downtown parking spaces will only be allowed to park for 3 hours before getting a ticket and no overnight parking will be allowed.

This means the city will forgo the approximate $260000 the meters and tickets generated annually and that went into parking lot maintenance. Money for the maintenance, assuming the program continues, will now come out of the city's general fund.


  1. How much of that money was from tickets? Because it sounds like there will still be tickets.

    It will be interesting to see what happens, as some people (cough) complained about the lack of parking in Carbondale - seems like this will tighten that up. Also, it will be interesting to see how it plays out when students come back - will they just park on the strip and move the car after 3 hours rather than pay for a parking sticker?

  2. A big thank you to Adam Loos-er, and the other progressive members of the council. I guess free parking is a human right. Tell me more about the Carbondale Spring. Did they borrow that branding from the Arab Spring?

  3. Not sure how they will ticket overparking. I always thought if the businesses wanted their employees to drive to work, the could have bought a parking pass at city hall and traded it around. As it is after July 1, the entire community will be subsidizing those employees' parking.
