Thursday, April 16, 2015

Students Protest Against Rauner

2000+ students have signed a petition asking the university to replace Governor Bruce Rauner as graduation speaker, which is likely a fool's errand given the request comes only a few weeks before the scheduled speech, meaning the University would have to find a replacement speaker in a hurry.

Rauner is, like it or not, the chief executive of the state of Illinois for the next four years and therefore the ultimate head of the university system. This area and, Illinois outside of Chicago and the Metro-east St. Louis region, voted for him. That means that much of the state wanted to put him in charge. I do have to wonder how many of those who clicked on the Change. org petition actually voted in the gubernatorial election. Going out to your polling place and casting a vote takes much more time and effort than clicking on a link on a website.

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