Tuesday, November 19, 2013

City Council Meeting

7:06 sitting in a surprisingly crowded city council meeting. Liquor control commission has approved a recommendation for a liquor license for Flame Eatery and Wine Bar as well as that for Cafe Melange.

7:10 Council looking at liquor violations. Don Monty is astounded by the increase in Violations at Cali's, up to 51 so far this quarter from 3 during the comparable previous period.

7:14 Mayor Frizler wonders what the city can do to put more pressure on Cali's, Pinch Penny and others to bring the violation numbers down.

7:16 Jane Adams muses about the possibility of passing an ordinance mandating bar entrants wear wristbands.

7:19 Jessica Bradshaw wonders if the increased number of reported violations is due to increased activity. Monty is concerned about several sales of liquor to a minor at Cali's.

7:25 report on violations is accepted and the LCC meting adjourns.

7:31 City council meeting reopen switch reminders about Lights Fantastic parade and President Kennedy's assassination, as well as anniversary of first reading of Gettysburg Address and NAACP meeting.

7:37 Proclamation of Adoption Awareness Month in city of Carbondale

7:38 citizen comments open. Request for meeting between Brightfield Solar Energy and Concerned Citizens of Carbondale. Want to have two meetings facilitated by the city in December to address concerns about the installation of a solar array on the old Koppers site.  Discussion now about who is responsible for setting up meetings between EPA and citizens.

7:50. Some more concerns about Brightfields about what will happen with the development.

7:58 citizen taking issue with swearing an oath over the Bible as it is a Satanic ritual  (his words, not mine) a public desecration of the Bible.

8:04 More concerns about Brightfields. EPA is very reluctant to attend a meeting at winch Brightfields or Beezer is attending as the EPA fears it would appear lending support the use of the site. City opposes this view strongly and wants to have EPA in the room.

8:08 request for the city or park district to develop a skate park in the city. A good half the attendees came in support of this proposal.

8:20 truth in taxation hearing starting for proposed 2013 tax levy to fund pensions of fire and police departments as well as the public library levy requirements. By law the city is required to adopt the library's tax levy request. This law appears to date back to 1961

8:26 consent agenda. Let us see if anyone wants anything pulled from it.

8:28 whaddyaknow?  Don Monty wants the ordinance authorizing a budget increase  for a pumper truck pulled and voted upon separately

8:32 all supporters of the skate park and persons concerned with the Brightfields project have exited council chambers.

8:43 For an item that was pulled from the consent agenda, council sure spent a lot of time discussing the purchase of the truck.

 8:50 council now discussing the 2013 proposed tax levy and I have to leave as the excitement builds.

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