Monday, September 21, 2009

Same as It Ever Was

Mike Bost announced he is seeking re-election to the state legislature for an umpteenth term. For those pushing for complete overhauling of the state legislature, neither the Democrats nor the Greens have put anyone out with enough name recognition at this date to have a shot at knocking off Rep. Bost. Sheila Simon or Kevin Clark come to mind as potiential candidates for the Democratic slate but I'm not sure either has enough recognition outside of C'dale to have a chance. Rich Whitney is probably the only Green with enough name recognition to do it, but he's already announced for governor.


  1. ...which is pretty much the same as Whitney announcing his candidacy for Emperor of the Moon-- not gonna happen.

  2. Given the current majority Democrat leadership (however long Madigan has been around), how does getting rid of one Republican constitute "complete overhauling"?

  3. It doesn't, but if you want to completely overhaul the legislature, as I've heard some people advocating, you would have to get rid of both the Democratic leadership as well as the Republicans and I see no evidence of any credible opposition to Bost emerging.

  4. Considering the alternative, I'll stick with Bost. On the other hand; Luechtefeld? Part of the old boy republicans network. No use for him.
